Our stories are important. Someday, someone will want to know the names of the people in the pictures, where the photos were taken, and what we thought about the places and things in the images. If the pictures stay locked away on social media or stored haphazardly in boxes, time will pass and the task of getting these precious memories into albums will seem to daunting to tackle.
Take the first step. Pick a year, a trip, or just an event. Print just those photos. Now find a photo-safe, archival album to store them in and be sure to write some simple journaling about the dates, names, places etc. Don't write on the photos...the ink will bleed through to the front of the photo over time. In the future, print the photos right after you take them and add them to the album. Pretty soon, you'll have a library of memories that friends and family can enjoy for years to come.
If you prefer to get help tackling this project, visit my photo gallery, see if you like my style, and give me call. I can help with one page, one album, or a whole lifetime of pictures. More information can be found on my Custom Design page and FAQ page.
I would love to help you save your memories! Let's get started!

I think that pumpkin page is so cute. You take good pictures also.