Friday, October 22, 2010

Just for a day...

Sometimes when I am scrapbooking older photos of the boys, I wish they could be that little again just for a day. I have so many wonderful memories of their sweet hugs, adorable smiles, chubby little feet... then I remember how many great memories we have had together during all the years they were growing up and I smile again.

Scrapbooking is such a fantastic hobby for me. I get to relive all the fun over and this afternoon with the sprinkler in our Collierville, TN backyard. They lived under that sprinkler with those very cool sunglasses for most of the summer.

And then there is the day we got professional photos taken. Rian's mischievous grin reminds me what a ham for the camera he used to be...and Jordy was just smiling so he could get out of there faster. Funny personalities remembered in pictures...little snippets of time captured on thankful for my pictures.

1 comment:

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